Why Do I Have To Pay For Shipping?
JF is a very small one-man business trying to survive in a Amazon-centric world. Our average cost for shipping labels over the last 2 years is $17.91 according our vendor PirateShip.com. Toss in the costs for Boxes, Packing Tape, Bubble Wrap, Labels, Labor, and Gas driving back and forth to UPS/Post office and the makes it closer to about $22 per shipment for every DIY 4TW enclosure shipped. We charge a flat-rate of $20 for domestic shipments . Most shops simply add the cost to their products, but we would rather keep it honest. If you are local to Northern New Jersey, you also have an option to pick up using coupon code: LOCAL
Why Is There A Fee For 4TW Custom Layouts?
In order to make an enclosure with a custom layout, multiple files need to be engineered for laser cutting: Top Panel, Top Support Panel, Cut Path for Cutting Graphics / Prints, etc. A custom Photoshop template also needs be to created so you can design graphics for it. All of this takes time which the fee covers.

Why are 4TW Full Builds always set to "Coming Soon"?
JF has moved to a waitlist system that is managed on our Discord channel. The listing is there for information only. Please send him a DM @jonyfraze if intersted in a build.

Why is the 4TW Graphic Design service sometimes not available?
Due to high demand JF is only offering Graphic Design services for Full Builds commissions.  Check out our Community Resources for designers who can possibly help.

Can you do graphics for other Fightstick brands?
At the moment, JF only has the bandwidth to support his in-house 4TW fightstick brands. Check out our Community Resources for designers who can possibly help.
What Happened to the ESPADA Fightstick Case?
Due to rising costs from my previous materials and laser cutting vendor, the ESPADA had to be retired. The good news is that I now own my equipment to make everything in-house and the 4TW is the ESPADA's spiritual successor.

How Can I Buy a BnB Fightstick Case?
I have partnered with FocusAttack as the manufacturer and distributor of the BnB Fightstick Platform. You can purchase one here.